Monday, October 10, 2011


Hi, I'm the other half of beards and spectacles (I'm spectacles. Jaz is totally beards) Most people know me by my abbreviated birth name Josh. Fewer still call me Kozycz. No one calls me Tyler. Seeing as this is a written piece in the form of a blog, I'll make it my introduction, bring you up to speed of who I am, and we'll be friends. Like the "About the Author" by the author.

First off, I'm a learning bondservant to Christ. "What does that mean?", you ask. A bondservant is a servant that chooses to stay with his master because of how great the master is. I'm a learning bondservant because I have a long way to go. I love Jesus cause He loved me first. He died on the cross for my sins, and I will forever love Him for that. Future blogs will dedicate plenty of word space to this amazing Son of God. And those are words most worth writing, don'tcha know. I found an awesome truth and want to share His love to the world!

I have an amazing girlfriend. Jaz is her name, photography's her game. Created this blog, she did. That gal can do anything she thinks up. One day shes gonna tour w/ a band and change the world. For real. Jaz also has an obsession with lions. Anything that has a lion is of interest to her. I have a similar obsession. Zombies! Anything and everything of zombie pikes my interest. Especially the Romero breed. Don't ask why the undead are not uncool to me (That's proper grammar. Check it!) I think I find the fact that mindless cannibals become more lovable than their "normal" human counterparts over time amusing. Using a flesh hungry creature to teach a society about themselves is just plain genius. Ok, so I guess I do know why I like zombies.

Well this entry is just all over the place. I promise future pieces will be much more organized and easier to follow. So now that you know a bit about me, come up and say hi. I'll give you a hug and ask only for pizza in return. I'm joking, but I do like sausage, in case you miss the first part of this sentence. I end with this: You are loved. By Jesus, Jaz, and myself. Come get to know us!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here.. we.. go!

Topics of todays post:
1-One whole freaking year anniversary
2-Silly lil big prayers
3-buh buh bloggin'

Okay, so its 208 am and I just finished my date with the love of my life. We celebrated our 1 year of dating today. Whered ya go? Funny youd ask. We dressed up kinda nice. (pants and lacy top nice) and went where "A Kid Can Be A Kid". Chuckie cheese! It was nice being with Josh mostly. Chucks wasnt so pleasant considering how much fun I had there previously. Sauceless pizza and fairly crowded for a Wednesday. But overall being with Josh was enough, as always. Audience of 1: "awwwwwwww". Well heres some photos:
When he picked me up I stepped into a little post it scavenger hunt right in front of me. It was really sweet!

Josh brought a little candle so we could have a candle lit dinner. But when it came down to it he said it never felt right. So we ended up having a candle lit park.
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
It was nice till we started coughing. Haha.

When I write candle lit park I mean park in two meanings. One we parked. And two he brought me to the park where we went when we firt decided to start dating. We went rollerblading and talked about our next year together. It ended on a really good note and im super stoked to see whats to come! We then went to my house and barely caught The Office. Im addicted. Every week day at 1130. The thing is that for some reason we both remember the time we decided we started dating. 1133. I dont know how the heck we both noticed the same exact minute but its been this ongoing cute joke thing weve had. So mid begining of The Office it was 1133 and we took notice but we didnt really talkk until commercial. Haha he knows me so well. Anyways, thats it. Mushy gushy ovah!

So today I realized silly prayers can be necessary. Well, when you really love someone you want to see them happy. And you should be able to really love everybody. So when I write silly prayers I mean in this moment me praying that my friend Ryan will eventually get his beard he so much longs for. Why? Cuz that will just make him happy. As artificial as the happiness may be. Even if it only lasts a day. Im not saying that it will happen. I aint the Lord. But if I can pray for myself to pass a test I can pray for some facial hair on my friend! You should do the same. Prayers are some crazy chiz!

Now blog talk. So yeah, im a newb. Im not sure what this will be about or how long it will last but here it is faceless reader. Proper grammer and such is nice but I dont plan on using it. Sorry Ceci. I take more film photos then digital and I dont own and iPhone so well see how pictures come along. Eh, well just have to see how this thingamabob turns out. Join me for the ride??

Tuesday, August 30, 2011